My name is Paige McClure and I am a photographer based in Birmingham.


I have been doing photography since I was six years old, using an old digital camera, as it was something which I had shown an interest in since an even younger age. The concept of capturing a moment in time forever, is something which has always intrigued me. I developed my skills during secondary school where I chose to study photography, achieving a grade 8 by the end of Year 11. By this point, I was using a higher quality camera which increased the professionalism in my work. I worked on basing my work around specific themes and working towards a brief which is an important skill in the creative industry. I have experience doing studio photography as well as street photography and various other types. The main aspect of photography that I enjoy is image editing as it enables me to have full control over how the photograph is perceived and the meaning that it can carry. Even the simplest editing can manipulate the images original purpose which I find very interesting.


I worked on a project based around isolation at the beginning of 2023 which I explored using my Photoshop skills to get the effects required to fit the theme.  Since then I have continued to work on various projects that I have allowed me to develop who I am as a creative. An example of this is a project I created around the idea of Culture, and how the people around us make us who we are. I experimented with embroidery to make this a mixed media piece and push my abilities.


To progress my work further, I am taking a film, videography and photography course at Access Creative College. As well as the practical skills needed, I am taught the ways of the industry so that I am well-versed in professionalism. This means that I am easy to work with, as I have extensive knowledge on the way working in a creative field should be handled, shown by the distinction which I achieved in the first year of my course. I am planning on pursuing my passion into University to expand my skills even further.